Friday, 25 January 2013

A fake republic and a diffused hypocrisy

A very good morning to a nation that will witness a conventional celebration, typical of its farcical tributes and propaganda. Applauded and whistled lustily by literally handcuffed innocent children and non-pacifying hooligans; politicians all over the country will preach and recite texts prepared by their secretaries. Flag hoisting ceremonies were always forced on us as kids and we cursed our school teachers for ruining our holiday. It is no surprise then that the forced habit eventually fizzled out as we 'grew up' to believe that we are free. For over six decades, we have heard these apathetic hypocrites presenting to us a fake republic.

Politics is such a dirty word today, even filthier than pornography. Its a synonym for everything dark and shady. You happen to express your opinion about an issue or event and you will hear somebody say, “Oh please! Let us not discuss politics!” Does the prejudiced exclamation result from sensational media sources or personally experienced discrimination? Why are promises betrayed? Why do young politicians who enter the fray fall prey to this evil? The irony of it all is that it is nearly considered a social evil rather than a social service. A field that should be devoted to educating, developing and upgrading the life of people is now looked upon as a genre of criminality.

In a perfect world a politician would dedicate his life to the people, win their hearts with honesty and kindness, feed the poor and care for the sick, sacrifice his time to counsel the distressed, inspire the losers and hail the winners and do all this with a self-sacrificing sense of secrecy and non-choreographed publicity. However today every little social work done is highlighted and headlined by the media, with certain sections of journalists hired only to capture these moments of grandeur and charity. How would politicians today survive without the media?

However, pointing fingers at the Press would be foolish, since in today's world of mind games and criminal-politician nexus, the media is the only true opposition party. We may feel some sections are biased and go overboard with their debates and discussions, but it wasn't for the media then we would have probably lived in a pseudo-perfect republic.. The preamble of India’s Constitution originally described the state as a "sovereign democratic republic". In 1976 the amendment read "sovereign socialist secular democratic republic”. Now that the evil of hypocrisy has dissolved so smoothly into the fabric of our political system, I guess now we should shamefully add to the description a new prefix “Hypocrisy”

The fable of the rotten apple(s) explains the scenario perfectly. You take a good apple and place it in a jar of rotting ones and it is bound to succumb to the disease. Similarly you take a rotten apple and place in a basket containing healthy ones, the illness oozes out of its sores and slowly contaminates the rest. The rookies are secretly enticed and lead to get their hands greasy, leaving them with no option than playing a puppet to the seasoned stalwarts. Many start out brave but then fall prey to the attitude 'If you can't beat them, then join them.'
 In need of renewal.
The American style of a face-to-face presidential debate demonstrates the class and caliber of a candidate. The Concept of two parties makes the choice more objective and practical. It causes less confusion, defines strategies clearly and makes the decision easier. It is more than just who wins the battle. They direct their arguments and debates to solving problems. Can we Indians (or as the RSS claims, 'Hindustanis') debate freely without flinging footwear across the floor? The problem is that those in Parliament are making laws for themselves and the leeches who feed on them. There is no scope for debate or deliberation in our country. If the party in power calls for an all party meet, we have 50% attendance out of which 40 % are from the ruling party, 5% are asleep probably not aware which party they belong to and the remaining 5% will sing lullabies or throw tantrums by walking in and out of Parliament.

A need to inculcate an attitude of healthy deliberations. 'You don't stroll along the aisles of the Parliament or snore in your seat, people have walked miles to elect you to that position. If you think something is not right stand up and argue smartly.'

Fitness levels of our politicians is another concern. Why do we let ourselves we ruled by old hags who can barely drag themselves around. I recently posed a question to a youth, asking him whether he would prefer to have a Prime Minister with abs or experience. He replied smartly, “we need to be lead by the mind and not the body.” Why do teachers and bankers have to retire at 60? The reason is age burns you down physically and mentally. It isn't because their brain isn't functioning anymore, because if that's the case then we are a nation led by Alzheimer patients.
A need to classify the retirement age of a politician, whether it is 60 or 70. It will help bring in fresh and innovative ideas to the table, allow growth and dynamism, increase efficiency, improve work ethics and keep up with the times.

The eligibility of a politician is an issue that ought to be addressed. How many leaders know our basic Constitutional rights and civic duties? Every other career in the world has a required selection criteria, so why not Politics – a field that governs most part of our lives. A degree in political science or any social sciences should be made mandatory for every candidate contesting elections. They should also pass a common entrance test in public speaking and communication skills, to avoid washing their dirty linen in the open and making erratic comments every time they face the mic.

A need to treat Politics as a professional career. The election commission should be authorized to screen candidates for their educational qualification and social skills. It should begin now and even veterans should face the law. This will lend respect and decency to the Assembly.

Police should not be slaves to the politicians but be more available to the public. A news channel had a debate on the misuse of sirens by VIPs. There are only two reasons why you need security – one if you are doing wrong and the other if you are doing right; unfortunately the former is the main cause. Great patriotic speeches full of selfless zeal and legendary fables on the podium and the next moment the hypocrites are cushioned by their bodyguards. For once try and emulate our freedom fighters who fought with coffins tied to their heads.

A politician should command respect and not demand it. The same fellow who comes door to door begging for a vote makes you fall down at his feet and worship for a favour. Is that the definition of a politician? Fortunately the right to redefine this degenerated word lies with the value we attach to our vote. Voting doesn't mean just political elections but the myriad decisions we make at different situations in our life. Vote for someone only when you see yourself in that person. Not everyone belongs to the class of apathetic hypocrites; there are few who selflessly put their lives on the line for the betterment of the society and I take this opportunity to sincerely salute them. 
Criticizing is an easy job, but sometimes we do need to appreciate and support the good people in politics. I hope politics will wash itself off the accumulated stains. There are people who are striving to make a change, who believe it is possible and the hoisted flag this morning is dedicated to them.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Hindu in all of us!

The Hindu in all of us!

- Hindutva is a way of life not a theological state.

The air is always a fusion of different sounds and noises that help us connect to each other. Strolling down the streets of Dharwad, I came across this little junction that had a Hindu temple, a Jain temple and a Mosque, all standing tall within a few metres from each other. Be it a call to prayer from a Mosque, the soothing hymns from a Temple or the chiming bells from a Church, there’s sense of awe and reverence among us. There are many such multi- religious communities, where for generations; people have put friendship and brotherhood above deities and Gods.
History, though, doesn’t deny that more people have died in the name of religion than for any other single cause. Religious fundamentalism and political violence share a brawny nexus. The idea assails the mind so irrationally and resolutely, that there is no room for moderation, sanity or logic. Culture and tradition is intentionally vandalized in the name of religion, to provoke the passions of the masses. Overwhelmed with the ‘Indianness’ sentiment, I felt inspired to scribble some thoughts on a potential catastrophe.
Cyber crime has recently evolved as the new genre for escalating communal violence. I ask, 'how can we hold Pakistan responsible for our actions?' 'Would you stab your brother, just because you received a ‘forwarded text message’ from some stranger?' Agree, Pakistan may be part of the conspiracy, but blankly accusing them is shallow excuse to divert attention from the broader and scarier picture of our instable and capricious mindset.India takes great pleasure in making Pakistan the scapegoat of any local turmoil brewing up in the country.
Consider this - speaking in Hindi is taboo is some regions; you get branded as an outcast or an outsider. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are plagued by the ‘god-dam’ farmer suicides. The north-easterners get driven back like stray dogs. Gujarat and Bengal are ruled by apathetic double-faced tyrants. Mumbai has forgotten it is a part of Maharashtra, as much as Shiv Sena had forgotten Bihar belongs to India. Uttar Pradesh suffers from a ‘make-over’ every 5 years- statues erected and demolished- God’s worshipped and stamped. As Andhra and Madhya tackle naxalism, Goa battles to keep beach ‘colonization’ at bay. Kashmir has given up on peace and Delhi seems totally out of reach.
A decade from now, given the amount of infighting and suppressed tension, most of these states would not discard the idea of going solo on administration. Does that imply the nation imploding into a continent of its own? Call it a ridiculous new doomsday rumour; but the current geo-political game-play and cultural intolerance doesn’t reject my prophecy of the nation disintergrating.

This summer, there were reports of some idealists wanting to make Goa the base of the Hindutva movement. The vision of creating a ‘Hindu’ nation, based on religion, is a delusional carnival of sorts; when the real problem spells - the nation falling apart on politico-communal lines. At the bottom of political violence in the country lies communalism and polarization of Indian Society, along religious and caste basis. An establishment of a theological government run on fascist and upper-caste lines is the biggest fear. It is classic antagonism created and practiced by one community against the other.
Communal Persons’ are those who practice politics through the skin of religion.  When sponsors dwindle and leadership is challenged; when doctrines are doubted and ideology is questioned, then they come out with threats like ‘religion under threat’. Instigated by pseudo-religious fanatics, initiated by cold hearted politicians, supported by seamless sections of the media, financed by filthy, conscious-less businessman and spread by the mob minded ignorant, this evil is a force to reckon with. A communal person is not a man of religion but one who practices politics by linking it with religion. Such a character is nothing but a political ‘scum’ who uses God as an instrument. Religious differences are more than often used to ‘mask’ non-religious social needs, aspirations and conflicts.
The issue of the ‘outsider’ or ‘migrants’ is raw and volatile; and needs to be solved, lest it escalates into nation-wide violence. The real problem thus haunting us is ‘communal intolerance’ and Hindutva as a concept can be an extremely positive solution, if it’s ready to shed off its religious skin and directed to unite the country. Hindu Rashtra needs to be accepted as a way of life, not a theological state. It doesn’t matter which holy book we loyally follow, there’s a Hindu in all of us.
Blame it on being over-zealous to the scriptures or simply misinterpreting the doctrine; there seems to be too much religion in one’s life, so much so that it has intruded areas other than that of personal belief, creating certain receptivity to communal ideology and politics. Christian mythology warns its followers from getting too close to God, so much so that they think they ‘know the mind of God’. Local militants in Kashmir are being brain washed that they are being ruled by an atheistic pagan state and thus they need to terrorise the government. Similarly, some argue that India is Hinduism’s only hope to survive, which is again a miss-interpreted belief. Hinduism has survived despite the rule of the Muslim emperors and the British, simply because, it is not a religion but a way of life; which has tremendous flexibility to select any path leading to God.
As a Goan, it feels proud that Manohar Parrikar has been awarded for his political achievements, on the eve of the State's liberation day celebrations - an honour he deserves for his courage and wit to stand by his convictions and promises. He has been brave to take on the Centre on various issues; his street smart eloquence and educational background makes him the perfect chief. Even though, communalism and minority harassment has been BJP's Achilles heel, Goans rose above these prejudices and voted for change. Now, he needs to rise above fanatical ideologies and invest in this new belief.

We have sung Christmas carols, lighted lamps for Diwali and waited for the midnight moon to light up the horizon every Eid; breathing in the same joyous enthusiasm and making every feast our own. For the sake of friendships that have lasted ages and relationships that exists beyond the heavens, we ought to shun away these false prophets. I suggest that the CM propose a special local law to deal strictly with crazy communal sociopaths – be it preachers, healers or gurus - who in the name of religion, hold public meetings to inject doubt and hatred.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


A new year resolution: 'MISSION ABORT THANATOS'

- Need for a 'last resort helpline' to prevent suicide.

            Life is not always a bed of roses and sometimes you feel there is a lot at stake, as people around consider you to be a strong brave person. Real troubles are difficult to cope with and you are too stubborn to get help; thus deciding to quit, still managing to maintain your ego and pride. The egoistic type of suicide occurs when the individual is not sufficiently integrated into his society. Zilboorg explains the paradoxical effect of living by killing oneself, method of gaining fame and immortality, maintaining an ego than destroying it. The person doesn't want to compromise his or her reputation and status of many years of fame and achievements.
            Some case studies that involve suicide notes reveal that the motive is more than just what meets the eye. Mark Twain's character Tom Sawyer who thought of suicide in Missisipi, is an example of an individual's wish to punish a depriving figure by the induction of guilt. The picture of him dead brought tears and self-pity to his eyes. The entertainment of such a maneuver involves a denial of death as a finite and terminal act. It is as though they could remain behind to see and relish the discomfiture and remorse their act would induce.
            Then again, suicide is sometimes used as an aid in coping with an overpowering thanatophobia. It serves as a reaction formation to the morbidly feared eventuality of death, by embracing it rather than running from it. There is the famous psychological case of a young boy who committed suicide to find out if death was as bad as it was told. He assumed the concept of the game 'cops and robbers' literally – that death was reversible and temporary.
          Many teenagers die of failure of what I would term as ‘attempt to threaten to suicide’. Their main intention is to deliver a message or a threat demanding attention and love, but eventually succumb to the tortures they force on their bodies. Suicidal behaviour whether attempted or threatened must be taken seriously and dealt with maturely. It should not be treated as taboo anymore. There is a need for  discussing the concept of suicide to school and college students, so that they are no longer disillusioned about death.

            One often goes on the offensive considering them either mentally retarded or weak depressed beings. Depression is a common phenomenon and everybody at some point goes through that moment when you feel like just letting go. It would be immature to condemn people who have attempted, threatened or succumbed to the temptation; rather we should be grateful that we have survived that moment at the threshold, when we had to choose between to be or not to be. It is erroneous to say 'if I were him I would have not done that'. The fact is that we never know how we would react to a situation until we are in it and we cannot hypothetically assume how messed up the situation is for others.

            One cannot prevent an attempt to commmit suicide but at least one can respond to a threat. A person who threatens suicide is emotionally more disturbed than the one who attempts. The reason why the topic should be discussed in the open is because we fail to recognize the signs of victims. For instance, a change in attitude of a depressed person to sudden peace and happiness is a reason to worry. O'connor states that suicide of a depressed person is a kind of narcissistic return to early power, where a receives omnipotence. Thus, an abnormal pattern in emotional polarity might be a sign of a potential suicide attempt. Professional psychiatric, psychological and social work specialists could prove the difference between life and death.
            It’s a matter of seconds when an individual chooses to either turn a page or close the book. Its that period where the death instinct (thanatos) is pushed into overdrive and the life instinct (eros) resigns to the back seat. If those few minutes are spend in uttermost solitude there are more chances that the person will go forward with the plan. However if that period is interspersed by a phone call or a friendly embrace, things might change drastically. The cause and effect relationship is virtually impossible to sort out. Are lonely people more prone to suicide? Or do potential suicides become lonely?

            Goa unit of the National Student union of India had begun an online campaign for a compulsory counseling cell in every college. However more than a counseling centre, we need a helpline, where the closet person can just run into a corner and make a last resort call. Basically, when all is done and dusted and when you feel life is not worth living, there is a place to go to. This helpline would keep issues confidential which will make it more believable and approachable. This 'last resort call' would aim to calm down the person and counsel them to re-think their decision.

            Is the 'suicidee' a victim or offender? If you survive the horror, you will be charged with attempt to commit suicide under section 309 of the IPC. One may be a victim in reality; but by giving in to death, one turns into an offender. Besides the crocodile tears and flowery obituaries which are often too late, let us do something to prevent the tragedy. For all the years of stupid resolutions where we bit off more than we could chew, this time lets keep it simple – 'mission abort thanatos, mission rescue eros'.

            Every time you think about suffocating yourself there are people out there who would love to wrap their arms around you and embrace you. Anytime you think of opening a bottle of death and swallowing bitter pellets, remember there is a friend out there who wouldn't mind sitting with you by the riverside, enjoying a beer. Next time, someone you love has dumped you in a deep shit-hole; keep faith, not only will dozens gather to pick you up,  someone will jump in the dump and be with you. Be it an examination failure, a horrid performance or a tortured family situation; we need an attitude to hang on, an attitude to fight back, an attitude to be winners. Remember kites rise higher against the wind. Don't give up, because if you do, you will never know!

Efforts for introducing a helpline have begun and I promise it will spring into action soon. Untill then, stay safe!