A new year resolution: 'MISSION ABORT THANATOS'
- Need for a 'last resort helpline' to prevent suicide.
is not always a bed of roses and sometimes you feel there is a lot at stake, as
people around consider you to be a strong brave person. Real troubles are
difficult to cope with and you are too stubborn to get help; thus deciding to
quit, still managing to maintain your ego and pride. The egoistic type of
suicide occurs when the individual is not sufficiently integrated into his
society. Zilboorg explains the paradoxical effect of living by killing oneself,
method of gaining fame and immortality, maintaining an ego than destroying it.
The person doesn't want to compromise his or her reputation and status of many
years of fame and achievements.
case studies that involve suicide notes reveal that the motive is more than
just what meets the eye. Mark Twain's character Tom Sawyer who thought of
suicide in Missisipi, is an example of an individual's wish to punish a
depriving figure by the induction of guilt. The picture of him dead brought
tears and self-pity to his eyes. The entertainment of such a maneuver involves
a denial of death as a finite and terminal act. It is as though they could
remain behind to see and relish the discomfiture and remorse their act would
again, suicide is sometimes used as an aid in coping with an overpowering thanatophobia.
It serves as a reaction formation to the morbidly feared eventuality of death,
by embracing it rather than running from it. There is the famous psychological
case of a young boy who committed suicide to find out if death was as bad as it
was told. He assumed the concept of the game 'cops and robbers' literally –
that death was reversible and temporary.
often goes on the offensive considering them either mentally retarded or weak
depressed beings. Depression is a common phenomenon and everybody at some point
goes through that moment when you feel like just letting go. It would be
immature to condemn people who have attempted, threatened or succumbed to the
temptation; rather we should be grateful that we have survived that moment at
the threshold, when we had to choose between to be or not to be. It is
erroneous to say 'if I were him I would have not done that'. The fact is that
we never know how we would react to a situation until we are in it and we
cannot hypothetically assume how messed up the situation is for others.
cannot prevent an attempt to commmit suicide but at least one can respond to a
threat. A person who threatens suicide is emotionally more disturbed than the
one who attempts. The reason why the topic should be discussed in the open is
because we fail to recognize the signs of victims. For instance, a change in
attitude of a depressed person to sudden peace and happiness is a reason to
worry. O'connor states that suicide of a depressed person is a kind of
narcissistic return to early power, where a receives omnipotence. Thus, an
abnormal pattern in emotional polarity might be a sign of a potential suicide
attempt. Professional psychiatric, psychological and social work specialists
could prove the difference between life and death.
a matter of seconds when an individual chooses to either turn a page or close
the book. Its that period where the death instinct (thanatos) is pushed
into overdrive and the life instinct (eros) resigns to the back seat. If
those few minutes are spend in uttermost solitude there are more chances that
the person will go forward with the plan. However if that period is
interspersed by a phone call or a friendly embrace, things might change
drastically. The cause and effect relationship is virtually impossible to sort
out. Are lonely people more prone to suicide? Or do potential suicides become
unit of the National Student union of India had begun an online campaign for a
compulsory counseling cell in every college. However more than a counseling
centre, we need a helpline, where the closet person can just run into a corner
and make a last resort call. Basically, when all is done and dusted and when
you feel life is not worth living, there is a place to go to. This helpline
would keep issues confidential which will make it more believable and
approachable. This 'last resort call' would aim to calm down the person and
counsel them to re-think their decision.
the 'suicidee' a victim or offender? If you survive the horror, you will be
charged with attempt to commit suicide under section 309 of the IPC. One may be
a victim in reality; but by giving in to death, one turns into an offender.
Besides the crocodile tears and flowery obituaries which are often too late,
let us do something to prevent the tragedy. For all the years of stupid
resolutions where we bit off more than we could chew, this time lets keep it
simple – 'mission abort thanatos, mission rescue eros'.
time you think about suffocating yourself there are people out there who would
love to wrap their arms around you and embrace you. Anytime you think of
opening a bottle of death and swallowing bitter pellets, remember there is a
friend out there who wouldn't mind sitting with you by the riverside, enjoying
a beer. Next time, someone you love has dumped you in a deep shit-hole; keep
faith, not only will dozens gather to pick you up, someone will jump in the dump and be with
you. Be it an examination failure, a horrid performance or a tortured family
situation; we need an attitude to hang on, an attitude to fight back, an
attitude to be winners. Remember kites rise higher against the wind. Don't give
up, because if you do, you will never know!
Efforts for introducing a helpline
have begun and I promise it will spring into action soon. Untill then, stay
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